written by Shekar Dattatri
Early Reader 3+,English
Ira, The Little Dolphin
24 pages,  Paper Back
Ira does happy backflips in the calm waters of Chilika Lake. But she and the other friendly Irrawady dolphins must be mindful of the hidden dangers that lurk all around. Brilliant photographs bring Ira close to the reader, while the brief text reminds us that her future is in our hands.
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The Hundred and Thirty- seventh Leg
Young Reader 5+, English
written by Madhuri Purandare
Pratham Books
Adventure On Wheels
Fluent Reader 9+, English
written by Prashant Pinge
Russian Folktales
Fluent Reader 7+, English
written by Aradhana Bisht
Thea Stilton Mouseford Academy#12
Fluent Reader 7+, English
written by Geronimo Stilton
Shrinking Vanita
Fluent Reader 7+, English
written by Manjula Padmanabhan
Professions Scientist
Young Reader 5+, English
written by Various Authors
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