written by Various Authors
Archie Comics
Young Adults 12+,English
Archie Marries Veronica: It's Twins
76 pages,  Hard Bound
Archie Marries Veronica," Part 3 to 7: "It's Twins!" Now that you've witnessed the engagement and wedding of Archie and Veronica, prepare for the most major event yet: Archie and Veronica are having a baby! Strike that, they're having babies - Twins! You haven't had a taste of parenthood until it's done Archie-style! Who will the happy couple pick to be godparents? Can Archie get through Lamaze class without causing a commotion? Can he make it through the actual birth without full-scale panic? Mixed in with the patented Archie humor is the poignancy of parents sharing the milestones of childhood, like baby's first words and first steps.
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The Hundred and Thirty- seventh Leg
Young Reader 5+, English
written by Madhuri Purandare
Pratham Books
Adventure On Wheels
Fluent Reader 9+, English
written by Prashant Pinge
Russian Folktales
Fluent Reader 7+, English
written by Aradhana Bisht
Thea Stilton Mouseford Academy#12
Fluent Reader 7+, English
written by Geronimo Stilton
Shrinking Vanita
Fluent Reader 7+, English
written by Manjula Padmanabhan
Professions Scientist
Young Reader 5+, English
written by Various Authors
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