written by Holly Smale
Harper Collins
Young Adults 12+,English
Geek Girl #3 - Picture Perfect
407 pages,  Paper Back
Geek Out !
It’s the hilarious third book in the bestselling award-winning Geek Girl series! Harriet Manners knows more facts than most. She knows that New York is the most populous city in the United States. She knows that its official motto is ‘Ever Upward’. She knows that 27% of Americans believe we never landed on the moon. But she knows nothing whatsoever about modelling stateside and how her family will cope with life stateside. And even more importantly, what to do when the big romantic gestures aren’t coming your way from your boyfriend…
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The Hundred and Thirty- seventh Leg
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Pratham Books
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written by Aradhana Bisht
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written by Geronimo Stilton
Shrinking Vanita
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Professions Scientist
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Om kidz
If you don't like to read, you haven't found the right book.