written by Sally Gardner
Fluent Reader 7+,English
The Boy with the Magic Numbers
121 pages,  Paper Back
When Billy Pickles' dad leaves home to live in New York, he gives Billy a moneybox. Billy's not sure where to put in the money, and not sure why his dad has left.Then Billy goes to New York to visit his father and his Italian grandmother, and discovers the secret of his magic moneybox. In a wonderful adventure, he takes Mighty Mamma on a helicopter ride, cracks open a safe, solves a kidnap mystery - and gets to know his dad again.
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Adventure On Wheels
Fluent Reader 9+, English
written by Prashant Pinge
Russian Folktales
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written by Aradhana Bisht
Thea Stilton Mouseford Academy#12
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written by Geronimo Stilton
Shrinking Vanita
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written by Manjula Padmanabhan
Professions Scientist
Young Reader 5+, English
written by Various Authors
Om kidz
Fluent Reader 9+, English
written by David Walliams
Harper Collins
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