written by Gayathri Bashi
Early Reader 3+,English
Minu And Her Hair
32 pages,  Paper Back
A bird's nest? A cow with two horns? No, it's Minu's hair and she does NOT like it. Her mother, her father, her grandmother try hard to tame it. But her grandfather is unconcerned… The illustrations of this charming story give Minu's hair a truly wild, tactile feel as it spills exuberantly through the pages
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Kunhaayan The Clever And The Kings Of Malabar
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The Help
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written by Kathryn Stockett
Anansi Boys
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written by Neil Gaiman
The Chronicles of Narnia -The Magician's Nephew
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written by C.S.Lewis
Harper Collins
If you don't like to read, you haven't found the right book.