written by Nandini Nayar
Early Reader 3+,Bilingual/Hindi
Neelu's Big BoxNeelu Ki Badi-si Peti
24 pages,  Paper Back
A big box, her grandparents' walking sticks, Amma's long red dupatta… Neelu has everything she needs for her big, strong fort. But – oh no – she trips and falls, and the box becomes flat! Whacky pictures take us on a colourful ride into a child's imagination.
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Kunhaayan The Clever And The Kings Of Malabar
Fluent Reader 7+, English
written by V P Muhammed
Geronimo Stilton Special Edition
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written by Geronimo Stilton
Gajapati Kulapati Gurrburrrrooom!
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written by Ashok Rajagopalan 
The Help
Young Adults 12+, English
written by Kathryn Stockett
Anansi Boys
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written by Neil Gaiman
The Chronicles of Narnia -The Magician's Nephew
Fluent Reader 9+, English
written by C.S.Lewis
Harper Collins
If you don't like to read, you haven't found the right book.